Academic Support
At Sierra, we provide all students extraordinary learning experiences and strive to meet the needs of all of our learners. We aim to create an equitable learning environment where students feel a sense of belonging, are encouraged to explore, and to take risks. We implement research-based best practices and a systemic and viable curriculum aligned to grade-level standards. Teachers regularly participate in ongoing learning through diverse and targeted professional development.
Student growth is tracked using multiple data points and a body of evidence (BOE) over time. If a student is not responding to core instruction and/or is not making adequate growth, we provide differentiation and adjusted instruction within the classroom. If a student needs support beyond core instruction, we work to find a solution that supports academic growth through appropriate interventions, continuing to track progress and adjust as needed.
Core Curriculum
Sierra uses guaranteed and viable curriculum resources for our core instruction. This ensures that all students are receiving research-based instruction in all content areas.
- Math: Illustrative Math
- Reading (comprehension): Into Reading (HMH)
- Reading (foundations): Orton Gillingham
- Writing: Into Reading (HMH writing component)
- Science and Social Studies: Jeffco-designed curriculum
- Social Emotional: Second Step
Reading Interventions
If a student is not meeting grade-level expectations in the area of reading, teachers, alongside our trained paraprofessionals, will provide targeted intervention using Orton Gilligham or Lexia. These interventions focus on foundational literacy skills, as well as fluency practice, to provide students with the necessary instruction to grow skills and close any gaps in literacy.
Services provided for students: IEPs and 504s
All Jeffco schools, including Sierra, have systems and supports in place to accommodate most students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans. Supports and services will vary depending on student needs.
- For more details about what this looks like at Sierra, please contact us directly.
Services provided for students: ALPs
All Jeffco schools, including Sierra, have systems and supports in place to accommodate students who have been identified as gifted learners with Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs). We work closely with our district GT (Gifted and Talented) Resource Teacher to create individual goals and action steps that support each student and their academic and affective needs. Supports will vary depending on student needs.
- For more details about what this looks like at Sierra, please contact us directly.