Dress Code
Good grooming habits make students feel better and look better at school. It is most important that the home and school mutually agree and enforce acceptable standards of dress for elementary-age children rather than leaving this decision wholly to the children or to their peer group. Children should wear clothing that is appropriate for school and to the season. Please refrain from wearing pajamas (including pajama pants) as we use pajama days as celebrations throughout the year. We believe that when students come dressed for school that they are likely to be more "businesslike" and less "play-like" during class time. You are encouraged to label your children's clothing. Also, please help us to protect your child by insisting that adequate clothing be worn during cold weather. Remember how changeable our Colorado climate can be! We will attempt to send all children outside for recess except for the very coldest, wettest days. When in doubt…don’t wear it!
Hats and hoodies on heads will not be permitted in the building. Students can wear hats and hoodies while on recess.
It is required that children have a pair of tennis shoes for Physical Education activities. Please help your student identify the days he/she will need to wear tennis shoes for P.E. Students will not be able to participate in P.E. on days they do not wear tennis shoes.
Dress Code Guidance in Jeffco
Responsibility for student dress and appearance generally rests with individual students and their families. Students may wish to express themselves by the manner of their dress and appearance; however, students shall not wear clothing or affect an appearance at school or school-sanctioned activities or events that is disruptive to the educational environment. Jeffco Public Schools standards on student attire are intended to help students focus on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety.
Disciplinary action for violating the student dress code shall include notifying the student of the violation and requiring that the dress or appearance be corrected before the student reenters the classroom, school environment, or school-sanctioned activity or event. At the discretion of the building-level administrator, a family conference may be held. More serious consequences may result from repeated or serious violations.